A Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) for aerospace and biomedical component processing (ARC LIEF Grant administered by Monash University) (2012–2013)

The buy-to-fly ratio for aerospace applications can be as high as 40:1. Near net-shape manufacturing such as laser additive manufacturing, net-shape HIPping or metal injection significantly reduce this ratio and revolutionise the aerospace manufacturing industry as well as be advantageous in fabricating complex components for biomedical and other high-value added products. The key challenge for those applications is to guarantee sufficient mechanical properties and process repeatability. The requested HIP is used to develop the net-shape HIPping process for alloy structures prior to its scale-up and to close porosity and remove thermal residual stress in laser additive manufactured components to ensure its superb mechanical properties.
Grant type:
ARC LIEF Collaborating/Partner Organisation Contributions
  • Professor and Assoc Dean Research
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
The University of Queensland