Securing the essential: assisting Indigenous communities and their service providers to sustainably manage water and energy supply (ARC Linkage Project led by Griffith University) (2015–2018)

The provision of water and energy supplies to remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities is a critical challenge for service providers. The research uses a novel unobtrusive smart metering system, aligned with culturally appropriate consultation with ATSI communities, to reveal patterns of household water and water related-energy consumption. Significantly, the research will identify effective behavioural and technological water and energy efficiency strategies in three remote ATSI communities in QLD, NT and WA. A key outcome is to provide an adaptive evidence-based and community-driven handbook to facilitate the secure long-term supply and efficient use of energy and water resources in remote ATSI communities.
Grant type:
Griffith University
  • Professor
    School of Communication and Arts
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
    Affiliate Professor
    School of Psychology
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Funded by:
Griffith University