Conserving and recovering the koala populations on NSW Far North Coast (2016–2020)

Conserving the koala is a major challenge for Australian governments and society. This project aims to develop a novel, integrated socio-ecological approach for connecting landscapes and communities for the recovery of threatened koala populations on the NSW Far North Coast. It will increase our understanding of how local landholders and land managers respond to koala recovery programs and what factors motivate them to respond positively and become engaged for the long-term. The intended outcomes will advance the global knowledge base for recovering declining wildlife populations by providing a framework for integrating social and ecological values in a spatial prioritisation framework for investing in species recovery.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
  • Professor
    School of Communication and Arts
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
    Affiliate Professor
    School of Psychology
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Funded by:
Australian Research Council