Reconfigurable Antennas for Satellite On-The-Move Communications (2016–2019)

Australia faces a key challenge in addressing the widening gap in broadband services between its regional and urban areas. This project aims at the design and development of low-cost reconfigurable end-user antennas that can be integrated with the rapidly evolving low-earth-orbit satellites to enable accessing broadband services by people in regional and remote Australia. Those antennas will provide a reliable access to e-health services and distance education to those communities, whilst empower their businesses to increase productivity and access new markets. Moreover, the proposed antennas will enable accessing broadband services in the air, at sea, or on the move.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
  • Professor
    School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council