Who You Know or Where You Go? The Role of Formal and Informal Networks in Finding Employment and Maintaining Wellbeing (ARC Linkage Project administered by the University of Sydney) (2016–2017)

Recent empirical studies have demonstrated that informal social networks improve well-being and labour market outcomes for the unemployed in Europe. However, no comparable Australian study has been conducted and there is little research on the role of the 'formal' networks represented by employment services programs in Australia or overseas. This project will explore unemployed people's formal and informal networks and the impact of those networks on employment status and wellbeing. The research will inform unemployment policy design and service delivery by providing a greater understanding of the role that social networks play in finding jobs and surviving unemployment.
Grant type:
University of Sydney
  • Director, Centre for Policy Futures
    Centre for Policy Futures
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Funded by:
The University of Sydney