Selective wellbore coatings to control fines damage in coal seam gas wells (2018–2021)

The production of fine solids is a key technical issue affecting CSG wells productivity in Queensland, and leads to 10-15 days¿ production downtime a year. This project aims to develop a completely new approach to control solids production in CSG wellbores using a selective phase-inversion polymer coating that takes advantage of the low permeability of mudrocks to form a protective barrier across clay-rich layers but remains permeable across the gas-producing coal seams. The expected outcomes of the project include (i) fundamental understanding of the solids breakage phenomena; (ii) a predictive tool to classify potential solids risks in CSG wells, and (iii) a novel rock-selective wellbore coating technology to control solids production.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
Funded by:
Australian Research Council