Nonlinear frequency mixing methods for materials and damage evaluation (ARC Discovery Project administered by the University of New South Wales) (2018–2021)

This project aims to systematically investigate new approaches for frequency mixing in nonlinear ultrasonics, and to demonstrate their potential for the non-destructive evaluation of material degradation and early damage detection. This will involve using closely spaced ultrasonic frequencies to probe the material or structure, as well as new developments in transducer arrays and imaging algorithms. The anticipated outcomes will be increased detection sensitivity relative to current inspection techniques and an enhanced capability for quantifying the damage. This will provide the basis for more cost efficient safety management of high-value assets and infrastructure, and for enhancing Australia¿s competitiveness in advanced manufacturing.
Grant type:
University of New South Wales
  • Professor
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
University of New South Wales