A Large-Scale Distributed Experimental Facility for the Internet of Things (ARC LIEF grant administered by Macquarie University) (2018–2019)

This project aims at establishing a large-scale, real-world experimental facility for the Internet of Things (IoT), which is widely regarded as the top technology to change the world in the coming decade. The facility is expected to be an essential instrument to achieve Australia¿s leadership on key enabling technologies of IoT, and to provide Australian research community with a unique platform for large-scale experimentation and evaluation of IoT technologies and services. It also serves as a perfect vehicle for the education and training of Australia¿s next generation of scholars and engineers. This unique facility will be open to the rest of the world, which is expected to contribute significantly to Australia¿s scientific visibility.
Grant type:
Macquarie University
  • Professor
    School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Macquarie University