Storythread Pedagogy: transforming teachers' and students' knowledge and values regarding environmental sustainability (2010–2013)

This is a design research project with teachers and students across Queensland focussing on Storythread pedagogy. Storythread is an innovative narrative and place-based pedagogy that has been developed to build conceptual knowledge, disciplinary know-how and value commitments regarding sustainability in students during the middle years of schooling. The project will contribute professionaly by documenting for teachers the practices of Storythread for developing in students deep conceptual and value-laden learning about the environment, sustainability, and active citizenship.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
  • Emeritus Professor
    School of Education
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • Adjunct Associate Professor
    School of Education
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Funded by:
Australian Research Council