Architectural Practice in Postwar Queensland (1945-1975): Building and Interpreting an Oral History Archive. (2011–2014)

The stories of Queensland¿s post war architects remain unrecorded. Gathering these histories into a new digital archive will produce the first comprehensive account of the individuals and firms who built Queensland¿s architectural identity in the post WWII period. This will be a leading resource for scholarly research and architectural practice. By applying innovative semantic web technologies researchers will map the intellectual networks informing architectural practice and education in post-war Queensland. The history of present day concerns for place, innovation, and sustainability will be communicated with innovative multimedia technology to build new communities of interest in Queensland design, past, present and future.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
  • Professor in Architecture
    School of Architecture, Design and Planning
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
  • Senior Lecturer in Architecture
    School of Architecture, Design and Planning
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council