New Frontiers in Structural Health Monitoring (2004)

In-situ Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is part of a current revolution in smart-structures technologies promising quantum gains in performance, endurance and cost-efficient maintenance for high-value assets. The aim of the proposed network is to provide a platform for collaborative, multidisciplinary research, research training and innovation by integrating currently disparate programs in SHM, since the high investment costs for the development of next generation smart technologies make a collaborative approach an absolute necessity. Its significance includes the efficient generation of world-class research outcomes in the key technologies enabling this revolution, viz. (i) sensor technologies; (ii) multifunctional materials; and (iii) intelligent systems, and the timely dissemination of these outcomes to Australian industry.
Grant type:
ARC Seed Funding for Research Networks
  • Professor
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council