Development of smart rationally designed novel needle-free multifunctional peptide-based pulmonary nanovaccines against tuberculosis (2018–2021)

The control of Tuberculosis(TB),which costs millions of lives globally each year,is mainly hampered by low patient compliance to invasive long-term antibiotics treatment,the emergence of drug-resistant bacterial strains and the lack of effective vaccines.The existing needle-based licensed vaccine is only effective in children and does not confer protection in adults.Thus,a newer and improved vaccine strategy is urgently needed.This project aims to rationally design multi-functional nanoparticles and develop a smart mucosal adjuvant with excellent safety that promotes peptide-based TB antigen immunity.The successful outcome of the project has great potential to produce a new,safe and potent needle-free pulmonary vaccine platform against TB.
Grant type:
UQ Development Fellowships
Funded by:
The University of Queensland