Transforming charity to reduce persistent poverty (2019–2023)

The Fellowship aims to produce empirical knowledge to transform charity to assist to reduce poverty. In Australia people in poverty use charity to subsidise limited incomes and survive on a day-to-day basis. Recently society, particularly those funding charities and those who rely on it, expect charities to do more than poverty relief. Now we expect charities to assist in disrupting poverty, but we have limited knowledge about how charities work with people who are poor, and how we can change charities to work better. Expected outcomes include new knowledge about charity provision, how it is used, impact achieved, and evidence about what contributes to success. It aims to advance conceptual knowledge and benefit people who rely on charity.
Grant type:
ARC Future Fellowships
  • ARC Mid-Career Industry Fellow
    School of Social Science
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Funded by:
Australian Research Council