How tissues generate the peptide hormone angiotensin II (2019–2022)

A blood-borne renin-angiotensin system (RAS) produces a peptide (AngII) to control blood pressure, and fluid/salt balance. Many tissues (e.g., brain, heart) also possess an independent, tissue RAS, but how these function has evaded researchers for decades. Based on new data, a model is proposed whereby infiltrating macrophages (following damage to the heart) drive the activation of this system to trigger the local generation of AngII. This project addresses the question of where exactly in the heart the RAS components are turned on, how they interact to generate AngII and whether the activation of the local RAS is beneficial or not to cardiac function. The findings should provide critical insights into an important hormonal system.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
Funded by:
Australian Research Council