Prediction of phenotype for multiple traits from multi-omic data (ARC Discovery Project administered by University of Melbourne) (2020–2023)

This project aims to develop better methods for predicting traits in an individual based on their genome sequence. This method will be tested in agricultural animals and plants and in humans. The prediction formula is derived from a training dataset that has information on the traits and genome sequence of a sample of individuals. The prediction formula can then be applied to predict the trait in individuals where the trait is unknown. This is useful for selecting the best parents for breeding in agriculture and for predicting the future phenotype of animals, crops and people. The proposed method uses data on very many traits to identify sequence variants that have a function and to predict the traits affected by each variant.
Grant type:
University of Melbourne
  • Professorial Research Fellow
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Affiliate NHMRC Leadership Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
Funded by:
The University of Melbourne