Talent mismatch: evidence from Australian administrative tax records (ARC Discovery Project administered by Monash University) (2020–2024)

The project aims to study the skill composition of the Australian workforce. Changes in the macroeconomic and technology environments make it hard to predict skill shortage. The project expects to develop macroeconomic models quantifying skill-mismatch of university graduates, identify sources of mismatch, highlight gender and generational differences, and estimate associated costs to Australia. The expected outcomes are to help shape policy recommendations on the funding of tertiary education in a changing economic climate. This should provide significant benefits to Australians, as policies shaping the tertiary education system affect individual income and the aggregate economy by determining labour supply and taxpayers' financial burden.
Grant type:
Monash University
  • Senior Lecturer
    School of Economics
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Funded by:
Monash University