Lost in Transition: supporting young people with complex support needs (ARC Linkage Project Administered by UNSW) (2018–2019)

This project seeks to improve the lives of young people with complex support needs who experience overlapping forms of disadvantage. It will investigate how best to support their frequent transitions between services, institutions and care environments. These transitions are particularly problematic for this group, and if poorly supported, have significant social and economic costs. The project develops an interdisciplinary analysis of early life transitions and the supports available and suggests best practice for transition support and a framework for how to track transitions using existing data. It will inform policy and practice in how best to invest in supports for young people with complex needs as they make multiple transitions.
Grant type:
University of New South Wales
  • Senior Lecturer
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Funded by:
University of New South Wales