Dr John-Paul Tung

Honorary Senior Fellow

Prince Charles Hospital Northside Clinical Unit
Faculty of Medicine

Honorary Senior Fellow

Prince Charles Hospital Northside Clinical Unit
Faculty of Medicine


John-Paul Tung is a Senior Research Fellow at Australian Red Cross Lifeblood (Lifeblood). He leads a program of research focused on the changes that occur in blood in between collection and transfusion, as well as how these changes might impact transfused patients. Particular focuses are on transfusion-related acute lung inujry (TRALI), transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO), and extracellular vesicles. He leads a research team of five Senior Research Assistants and three Research Assistants. He also supervises several PhD and Masters students. He holds an Honorary Senior Research Fellow position with the Faculty of Medicine at UQ. He also holds an adjunct Associate Professor position with the University of the Sunshine Coast and an adjunct Senior Lecturer position with QUT. He is also a former Secretary and Council Member of the International Society of Blood Transfusion's Young Professionals Council.

John-Paul completed a Bachelor of Science at UQ in 1999, after which he worked as a Scientist in nucleic acid testing in Brisbane, Melbourne and London. After returning to Brisbane, he commenced work as a Research Scientist with Lifeblood (formerly the Blood Service) in 2007. John-Paul then commenced a PhD with UQ and Prince Charles Hospital's Critical Care Research Group in 2008. His PhD, conferred in 2012, invovled the development of the first large animal model of TRALI using sheep, and resulted in several awards including best paper prizes from the International Society of Blood Transfusion and the Prince Charles Hospital as well as other awards from the Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion and the British Blood Transfusion Society.

Research Impacts

As well as internal Lifeblood research project funding, John-Paul has been an investigator on over 20 competitive external grants worth over $7.5 million, including from the NHMRC, the ARC, and the Emergency Medicine Foundation. John-Paul has published over 40 papers including in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (JIF 30.5), Intensive Care Medicine (JIF 17.4), Critical Care (JIF 9.1), and Blood Reviews (JIF 8.3). He has presented at international and national conferences, inculding invited presenations at the International Society of Blood Transfusion Congress, the Royal College of Pathologists Association Pathology Update, and the Brazilian Congress of Hematology, Hemotherapy, and Cellular Therapy. He has supervised over 20 research students including three PhD completions, two Masters completions, and eight Honours completions. He has several on-going academic and clincal collaborations including with the the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, the Prince Charles Hospital, the Australian Defence Force, and the Baker Institute.


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Other Outputs

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision