Researchers in Allied health and rehabilitation science

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Photo Researcher Organisational Units
Dr Urska Arnautovska Dr Urska Arnautovska Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
Dr Tim Barlott Dr Tim Barlott School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Ms Chloe Bryant Ms Chloe Bryant School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Nathalia Costa Dr Nathalia Costa UQ Centre for Clinical Research | Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure) | School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Professor Piers Dawes Professor Piers Dawes School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Katrina Dunn Dr Katrina Dunn School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Kathryn Fortnum Dr Kathryn Fortnum School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Professor Nadine Foster Professor Nadine Foster Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences | Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)
Mr Carl Francia Mr Carl Francia School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences UQ Poche Centre for Indigenous Health
Dr Hannah Gullo Dr Hannah Gullo School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Jessica Hill Dr Jessica Hill School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Professor Joseph Kei Associate Professor Joseph Kei School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Mark Liu Dr Mark Liu UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Dr Jayishni Maharaj Dr Jayishni Maharaj School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Dr Marie McSween Dr Marie McSween School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Stephen Parker Dr Stephen Parker Prince Charles Hospital Northside Clinical Unit
Dr Jonathan Quicke Dr Jonathan Quicke Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Dr Felipe Retamal Walter Dr Felipe Retamal Walter School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Megan Ross Dr Megan Ross RECOVER Injury Research Centre
Dr Kirstine Shrubsole Dr Kirstine Shrubsole School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Zephanie Tyack Dr Zephanie Tyack Child Health Research Centre
Dr Viana Vuvan Dr Viana Vuvan School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Adrienne Young Dr Adrienne Young Centre for Health Services Research