Associate Professor Remi Ayoko

Associate Professor

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

Associate Professor

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
+61 7 334 68145


Oluremi (Remi) is an Associate Professor of Management in the UQ Business School at the University of Queensland, Australia. Remi has had extensive teaching experience in tertiary institutions across three nations. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). Remi's principal research interests include conflict management, emotions, leadership, diversity, team work and employee physical work environment and territoriality. The results of her cutting-edge research have been presented in several international (e.g. US Academy of Management - AOM, European Group for Organizational Studies-EGOS & International Association of Conflict Management - IACM conference) and national conferences (e.g. Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management-ANZAM). Remi is an award-winning researcher and has published in reputable journals such as Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB), Organization Studies (OS), Applied Psychology: An International Review (APIR), International Journal of Conflict Management (IJCM), Journal of Business Research (JBR) and Journal of Business Ethics (JBE). She has also written many book chapters and co-edited the Handbook of Conflict Management Research (Edward Edgar) and Organizational Behaviour and the Physical Environment of Work (Routledge). Remi is the immediate past Editor in Chief of the Journal of Management and Organization and she is currently on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Conflict Management, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Journal and Strategic Change . Remi is the Convenor and Leader of the UQ's Next Generation of Workspaces Research Network (NGWN- and the Chair of the UQ Cultural Inclusion Council (CIC- She is a recipient (with others) of a highly coveted Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant awarded to study the impact of employee physical work environment (e.g. office configurations) on employees' territoriality, wellbeing and productivity. She has appeared on radio (national/international),TV and newspapers talking about workspace issues. Remi is a member of the Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI), US Academy of Management, International Association of Conflict Management and ANZAM.

Research Interests

  • The physical environment of work, workspaces, open plan offices, employee territoriality, conflict management, employee productivity/ wellbeing, teamwork and leadership


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland


View all Publications


  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

View all Supervision

Available Projects

  • I am currently working on the role of the physical work environment (e.g. open-plan office), hybrid working, virtual team, return to work, green/sustainable behaviors at work, and employee wellbeing. This project is just a tip in the iceberg of what managers and researchers need to know about how open-plan offices might shape employees' behaviours in contemporary organisations.

    If you are interested in doing your PhD or M Phil in this area , please contact me on

  • I am currently working on the connection between aging workforce and team processes and outcomes If you are interested in doing your Post doc, PhD or M Phil in this area , please contact me on

  • I am currently working on top management team/CEOs, conflict management, inclusion, leader development and leadership as well HRM (e.g. mutual gains). If you are interested in doing your Post doc, PhD or M Phil in this area, please contact me on

View all Available Projects


Featured Publications


Book Chapter

  • Tann, Ken and Ayoko, Oluremi B. (2023). Communicating in space. Organizational semiotics: multimodal perspectives on organization studies. (pp. 122-142) edited by Louise Ravelli, Theo van Leeuwen, Markus A. Höllerer and Dennis Jancsary. New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003049920-6

  • Tann, Ken and Ayoko, Oluremi B. (2020). A social semiotic approach to the physical work environment. Organizational behaviour and the physical environment. (pp. 214-231) Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315167237-12

  • Kromah, Momo D., Ayoko, Oluremi B., Ashkanasy, Neal M. and Irving, Gemma L. (2019). A qualitative study of employees’ emotions and identities during change. Organizational behaviour and the physical environment. (pp. 287-305) edited by Oluremi B. Ayoko and Neal M. Ashkanasy. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315167237-16

  • Ayoko, Oluremi B. and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (2019). Conclusions and recommendations for managing the physical environment of work. Organizational Behaviour and the Physical Environment. (pp. 306-324) edited by Oluremi B. Ayoko and Neal M. Ashkanasy. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.

  • Ayoko, Oluremi B. and Ashkanasy, Neal M. (2019). Introduction: Organizational behaviour and the physical environment. Organizational Behaviour and the Physical Environment. (pp. 3-12) edited by Remi B. Ayoko and Neal M. Ashkanasy. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.

  • Melgoza, Alberto R., Ashkanasy, Neal M. and Ayoko, Oluremi B. (2017). Gender self-categorization, emotions, and experience of aggression in a male-dominated workforce. Research on emotion in organizations, Volume 13: Emotions and organizational identity. (pp. 175-195) edited by Wilfred J. Zerbe, Charmine E. J. Härtel, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Laura Petitta. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited. doi: 10.1108/S1746-979120170000013010

  • Zacher, Hannes, Clark, Michael, Anderson, Ellen C. and Ayoko, Oluremi B. (2015). A lifespan perspective on leadership. Aging workers and the employee-employer relationship. (pp. 87-104) edited by P. Matthijs Bal, Dorien T. A. M. Kooij and Denise M. Rousseau. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-08007-9_6

  • Ayoko, Oluremi B., Ashkanasy, Neal M. and Jehn, Karen A. (2014). Approaches to the study of employees' territoriality, conflict, emotions and well-being. Handbook of Conflict Management Research. (pp. 363-381) edited by Oluremi B. Ayoko, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Karen A. Jehn. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781781006948.00033

  • Ayoko, Oluremi B. and Muchiri, Michael (2014). Conflict at multiple levels: transformational leadership and followers' cultural orientation. Handbook of Conflict Management Research. (pp. 440-458) edited by Oluremi B. Ayoko, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Karen A. Jehn. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781781006948.00038

  • Ayoko, Oluremi B., Ashkanasy, Neal M. and Jehn, Karen A. (2014). Introduction. Handbook of Conflict Management Research. (pp. xviii-xxxi) edited by Oluremi B. Ayoko, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Karen A. Jehn. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781781006948.00005

  • Ayoko, O. B. (2009). Climate for conflict, conflict interactions and conflict management. Managing Workplace Conflict: Theory and Practice. (pp. 137-155) edited by Ayoko, O. B.. Frenchs Forest, Sydney: Pearson.

  • Ayoko, O. B. (2009). Diversity, culture, conflict and leadership in teams. Managing Workplace Conflict: Theory and Practice. (pp. 195-216) edited by Ayoko, O. B.. Frenchs Forest, Sydney: Pearson.

  • Ayoko, Oluremi, Härtel, Charmine, Fisher, Greg and Fujimoto, Yuka (2003). Communication competence in cross-cultural business interactions. Key Issues in Organizational Communication. (pp. 157-171) edited by Dennis Tourish and Owen Hargie. London, U.K.: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203634394

  • Ayoko, O. B. and Hartel, C. (2002). The role of emotions and emotion management in destructive and productive conflict in culturally heterogeneous workgroups. Managing Emotions in the Workplace. (pp. 77-97) edited by N.M. Ashkanasy, W.J. Zerbe and C.E.J. Hartel. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe. doi: 10.4324/9781315290812-14

Journal Article

Conference Publication

Other Outputs

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

Completed Supervision

Possible Research Projects

Note for students: The possible research projects listed on this page may not be comprehensive or up to date. Always feel free to contact the staff for more information, and also with your own research ideas.

  • I am currently working on the role of the physical work environment (e.g. open-plan office), hybrid working, virtual team, return to work, green/sustainable behaviors at work, and employee wellbeing. This project is just a tip in the iceberg of what managers and researchers need to know about how open-plan offices might shape employees' behaviours in contemporary organisations.

    If you are interested in doing your PhD or M Phil in this area , please contact me on

  • I am currently working on the connection between aging workforce and team processes and outcomes If you are interested in doing your Post doc, PhD or M Phil in this area , please contact me on

  • I am currently working on top management team/CEOs, conflict management, inclusion, leader development and leadership as well HRM (e.g. mutual gains). If you are interested in doing your Post doc, PhD or M Phil in this area, please contact me on