Dr Andre Pekerti

Associate Professor

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
+61 7 334 68132


Dr. Andre A Pekerti is an Associate Professor in International Management within the International Business Discipline, at The University of Queensland Business School. He is an n-Cultural, a Christian of Indonesian-Chinese heritage who grew up in Jakarta, Southern California, and New Zealand, and is a naturalized New Zealander and Australian. Andre’s multicultural background complements his research interest and teaching in international management.

His primary research topics are attributions, acculturation, cultural intelligence, cross-cultural communication, multi-method assessment on n-Culturals and cognitive complexity, ethics, family business, human factors, n-Culturals, servant leadership, social justice, trustworthiness, and wellbeing.

Andre consistently publishes in international journals including, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, and Journal of International Business Studies.

He served as Vice President of the Australia New Zealand International Business Academy for two terms. He consistently serves as an ad hoc reviewer for several international journals. Currently, he is on the following editorial review boards: Asia-Pacific Journal of Management; Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management; Human Resource Management Review; International Journal of Intercultural Relations; Journal of International Business Studies; Journal of World Business; and Honorary Editor of Andalas Management Review.

Andre initiated the Rapid Acculturation Mateship Program (RAMP) at UQBS. A precursor to Global Mates and BEL Buddies, RAMP is a 19-week program connecting local students with incoming international students. RAMP “Serves to facilitate adjustment to UQ, Australia and the reciprocal learning of cultures”, and has positively affected the experiences of domestic and international students.

Dr. Pekerti has taught in MBA Programs at The University of Auckland, Bond University and UQ Business School. He consulted for Diner’s Club, Singapore; the Department of Transport Victoria, Australia; and the Ministry of Trade, Indonesia. Most recently collaborated with BiasSync, a science-based solution designed to help organizations more effectively assess and manage unconscious bias in the work environment.

Author of n-Culturalism in Managing Work and Life: A new within individual multicultural model.

Research Interests

  • n-Culturals
    Research on individual adjustment to cultures, n-Culturals, multicultural individuals, development of multi-method assessment on n-Culturals, including acculturation. n-Culturals are individuals who are capable of creatively synthesizing all facets of their multiple identities. They have knowledge, identification, internalization and commitment to all the cultures they have an affinity to, and recognition that these elements exist within them. This perspective is novel and differs from previous views of multiculturalism. This view enables us to map multiculturals along the multiculturalism continuum and provides us with a way to help people to progress in their multiculturalism. Related topics: Cultural metacognition. Indigenous n-Culturalism. Measuring multiculturalism Impact of n-Culturalism on trustworthiness.
  • Cultural Intelligence
    Influence of Culture(s) on Individuals; development of a multi-method assessment tool for cultural intelligence (CQ) aimed at assessing cultural metacognition. Related topics: CQ in first nations peoples in Australia, Canada.
  • International Management/International Organisational Behaviour
    Topics: Career Development for Racial and Ethnic Minorities Conflict and Trust Corporate Governance and Ethics Family Business Networks Human Factors Organisational Communication Organizational Attribution Servant Leadership Social Justice Wellbeing Work Values.
  • Acculturation
    Research into acculturation processes of international students, migrants, and host country nations.

Research Impacts

As a spin-off of our Cultural Intelligence (CQ) project, the team has developed a Centre for Global Workforce Strategy. The aim of the centre is to carry out multidisciplinary research on issues surrounding effective workforce management strategies in today’s global workforce environment. The goal is to work closely with industry partners and leading researchers to develop effective workforce management and further scholarly pursuits.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) committed cash contributions with the hope that they will take part in future and training activity resulting from our research activity. Although this is a future outcome, the project will make a significant contribution to the RCMP’s workforce and management policies.

The CQ project have been used to develop training programs for many government agencies in Canada including:

  • The RCMP, for example, RCMP has consulted with the CQ team regarding their approach to the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
  • l The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
  • l The Correctional Services of Canada.
  • l Currently, CQ is presented as the core concepts for the development of multicultural competencies by Human Factors AS Norway (a consultant for major multinational firms worldwide)

I had a number of impacts related to my work on n-Culturals titled "n-Culturals the next cross-cultural challenge: Introducing a multicultural mentoring model program in International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, “n-Culturals: Modelling the Multicultural Identity” in Cross Cultural and Strategic Management, and “Double edge experiences of expatriate acculturation: Navigating through personal multiculturalism” in the Journal of Global Mobility. These papers are particularly aimed at understanding personal multiculturalism and a mentoring program that our acculturation project implemented for international students - Rapid Acculturation Mateshp Program. The impact of this initiative is to improve the UQ experience of international students. UQBS are employing one full-time staff and administration support to implement the program. RAMP is the precursor of The UQBS Global Mates program, which is now coordinated by a full-time staff plus assistance from an administrative staff.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Auckland
  • Masters (Research), University of Canterbury
  • Bachelor of Science, University of Canterbury


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Book Chapter

Journal Article

Conference Publication

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

  • Master Philosophy — Associate Advisor

Completed Supervision